Hello, I am Linda Short ~ Life Vision Strategist and Goal Achievement Coach
Providing support, encouragement and the tools to women who are struggling with where they are begin to move towards where they want to be. So that they can get unstuck, find joy in each and every day, and live their best life.
You may be looking for more energy, reduce stress, or more joy, happiness and connection in your life. Results-driven transformation programs - there is one that is exactly right for you.

When did you first realize something was missing?
For me, it was in the late 80’s when I happened across a never-opened Tony Robbins Personal Power II tape set. It was my first introduction to what would become a lifetime infatuation with understanding what motivates people and how to take doable steps towards the things I wanted.
A collector of knowledge, builder of life enriching tools, clarity strategist.
And then I noticed that even when they seemed to have it all, many women were desperate for a change.
Friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers - often were dissatisfied with they life they were living. It didn’t seem like ‘their best life’. Life felt out of balance; like they were focused on the wrong things. They felt they couldn’t break out of that cycle.
Not a great feeling and not how we were meant to live our lives.
And that’s when I realized the pure gold I have been gathering all my life from experts like Tony Robbins, John C. Maxwell, and J.M. Garcia.
I know myself well. have learned to set boundaries, create balance, set and hold intentions that serve me, have a vision supported by goals, be financially secure, build strong relationships and understand people better. A better wife, mother, and friend.
And that’s when I knew that my knowledge and experiences could help other women move forward in their lives
To help women like you build their own personal strategic life plan and methods for accomplishing life goals and desires has become my new obsession.
Some days it is just so hard to get out of bed.
When yesterday is just like tomorrow, and today is just a list of to-do’s, life feels like an old, lame rerun. Let’s change that – let’s shift our thinking so we can spend our days with meaning and purpose.
There is a way!
Whether you start with free tools and self-exploration or get serious fast with a 12-week transformation personal coaching series, I am here to help and support you on a journey which has the power to impact your life in a way you never imagined.
Won’t it be exciting to be on a journey to self-fulfillment, to have a vision of where you are going and have the tools to get there?
You can do this! (we’re here to help)
I am here for you. We are together now. Now you have access to:
Coaching programs
Free tools
a supportive community
doable challenges to get you moving in the right direction
a wealth of information at your fingertips in our blogs
and the support you need to get moving towards the life of your dreams, happier, healthier and being YOU.
No empty promises here, just a life-time of experience, a transformational process and tools that work!
If you are ready and excited to begin your new life journey, let’s get started!
As your Life Vision Strategist and Goal Achievement Coach - I will meet you where you are and support you in taking your life to the next level. From where you are to where you want to be.