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Dec 30, 2020
8 Common Goal Setting Traps to Avoid
Getting ready to say good-bye to 2020. I am fairly certain that we all are ready to leave 2020 in our rear-view mirror. We are all...
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Nov 20, 2020
10 Steps to a Mind that Works for You
To change your mindset you change what you believe and your behaviors, create new habits, and a supportive way of talking to yourself....
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Nov 18, 2020
The Art of Letting Go
Something is holding you back. Weighing you down? Can you feel it? The resistance to - doing the work to replace a limiting belief, or to...
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Nov 11, 2020
Beliefs are the Habits of the Mind
Beliefs are habits of the mind. Programs that your brain runs over and over and over again when triggered. Good, bad, or indifferent they...
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Nov 10, 2020
Why Mindset Matters - No Matter Who You Are
Why it Matters Can people learn, change, grow? Can I, and is it worth it to even try? Why does it matter? It matters because your beliefs...
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Nov 7, 2020
Do You Have a Growth Mindset? How to find out in 5 minutes or less
Ever wondered why some people are successful and some aren’t? Some people live a dream life and some people struggle to get by. Do we...
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