Being exceptional demands extra effort, sustained inspiration and uncommon discipline.

Most of us live an average life, with average expectations and average aspirations. We live the life our parents lived. We let past disappointments hold us back from dreaming and creating our best lives.
Our subconscious main job is to keep us safe. If we were safe yesterday, then doing the same thing today will keep us safe today. Same for tomorrow and the day after. Play small, stay safe.
But what if you could dream a big dream, live a big life inspire yourself to take action, be disciplined and stay committed? What life would you create for yourself?
Who else would benefit from you living your dream?
What are you committed to doing this next week to take that first step? Remember, you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just those first steps.
The first 5 steps:
Commit to self improvement. Be the person who makes a decision every day to better him or herself. With a course, a book, a podcast, self-reflection, knowing your values, setting clear, actionable goals.
Make a plan to do something every single day. A savings plan, an exercise plan, a kindness plan. May your plans take you into the future of your dreams.
Take consistent action. Take those steps every day, know that consistency over perfection is where success lives.
Let go of the things and thoughts that do not serve you.
Your challenge for today is to get started. Write your goal, make a list of actionable items, schedule time in the next weeks to review your progress and adjust your approach, if need be.

Today has your name written all over it!
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Linda Short of Elle Short Coaching is a Goal Achievement Coach, certified health and life coach specializing in goal achievement. As a goal achievement coach, I help people struggling with where they are to create their own life story and take action toward their life vision. So that they can get unstuck, find joy in each and every day, and live their best life.